Blank Brained

When I read Claudia’s blog today, I knew I had to reblog it. What she describes has been happening to me since mid-July! I have been in such a creative funk, struggling to write something… anything… to at least keep my blog going. I have not painted for a minute in over two months. I blame my lack of motivation and ability to be creative the past couple months on two things. Summer is a busy time with extra visitors, weddings to attend, travel, outdoor activities. The second is probably the more likely cause. I have some medical issues (Autoimmune Hepatitis, Sjogren’s Syndrome, and Undifferentiated Connective Tissue Disease) which cause fatigue, joint and muscle pain, brain fog. I have been having a flare-up of these symptoms, and others, resulting in more than just mere fatigue but at times utter exhaustion this summer.

Some days it is a struggle just to do daily tasks, forget painting and writing. Some days it seems it is hard to get my mind and body in sync. I have great ideas ready to put on the page or the canvas, but my arms, fingers, neck, and / or back hurt. Other days the body is willing, but the mind is blank.

I think the answer, at least for me, is to return to finding “stolen moments” (see an earlier blog by that name), snippets of time in the day to engage in writing or painting even if for only five minutes, knowing the expression and expulsion of what is inside me will be the best medicine.

Humoring the Goddess

face-coloring-page-03I feel like I haven’t been here forever. Between escaping for Labor Day Weekend, football drafts, and visiting children, the world has curiously slipped around me.  My fellow bloggers Ittymac ( and Hugmamma (  and Coochie Mama ( and the Philosopher (  have fortunately carried on the ways of the world, but I feel I have a lot to catching up to do.

I often talk about my Muse. She’s a feisty Irish lass that pops onto my shoulder at the most inopportune times with ideas and opinions and story lines. So where was she when I was in Wisconsin’s Door County for four days?  DId she go on vacation too? Why is it that often when I find myself with a big chunk of time, all I want to do is sit and listen to the wind blow through the treetops…

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One thought on “Blank Brained

  1. So sorry to hear that various and sundry ailments prevent you from…expressing yourself…in words or in colors on canvas. I too suffer from arthritis and fibromyalgia…so I totally understand fatigue and joint and muscle pain. I’ve been minding my intake of inflammatory foods…yeah, right!…and seeing the chiropractor as needed. I try to exercise…when the spirit moves me, which as of late…has not been very often. So take care, my friend, and join the rat race again when you’re able. The rest of us will just keep on…keeping on. You jump right in…as life permits. Breathe in deeply…of the wonder of NOW! (partial lyrics of a song I think I’d like to write…some time…but not right now.) hugs… 🙂

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